E Mail Address : admin@sovhs.co.uk


Sovereign Housing Support LTD

Our housing is appropriate for everyone, including those with physical or learning disabilities, young families, individuals with poor mental health, offenders, and those who may be the victims of domestic violence.

Our programme for young people also offers support to gain the skills required to move on to independent living. Staff at our schemes can help with new skills like:

Budgeting skills

  • Accessing local doctors / dentists Including any other relevant medical experts.

Employment, Job search, CV building.

Education, applying to apprenticeships/college

  • Training opportunities 
  • Other life skills ••••••

To access our Young Persons programme referrals for accommodation email admin@sovhs.co.uk we will then assess your needs and signpost to the most appropriate accommodation service, You can also self-refer, or we accept referrals from other agencies.

Our support also includes emergency housing or support with.

• Homeless or facing homelessness

• Not in education, training or employment,

• Currently facing hardship

Our team will help with a range of learning opportunities including managing your money, keeping healthy, basic DIY, getting into employment, education, or training and advice on benefits.

Safeguarding is at the heart of everything we do.

It’s how we protect children, young people and vulnerable adults from harm. As a provider of children’s services in the UK, we have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people. We share this responsibility with parents, staff, volunteers, and other agencies.